Keep gender equity front and center in the upcoming municipal election.

Ottawa 2022

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Candidate Pledge

Are you a candidate for Mayor in Ottawa? Take our pledge to keep gender equity front and center during your campaign and throughout your term. 

By taking this pledge you commit to tackling systemic discrimination and meaningfully supporting Indigenous, Black, and racialized women and gender diverse folks during your term as Mayor. 

NowWhat?! Will keep track of candidate pledges and share signatories with voters on social media and on our website ahead of election day.

Mayoral Candidate Pledge

If elected as Mayor of Ottawa, I pledge to:

  • Consult meaningfully with intersectional feminist grassroots organizations and community leaders in the Ottawa
  • Advance 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, disability rights, as well queer, non-binary, and trans justice.
  • Combat racism, sexism and homophobia in my community and on City Council.

I will prioritize:

  • Tackling the gendered homelessness and housing affordability crisis, because everyone deserves a safe home.
  • Working with 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations to create a safer city for trans and gender diverse people amidst rising anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate.
  • Developing a mental health crisis response that is led by communities most impacted, and does not include police.
  • Developing a Women and Gender Equity Advisory Council for the City of Ottawa, to enable a stronger voice for our communities at City Hall.

%%your signature%%

Thank you for your pledge
4 signatures

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